Asinine Argument From Another Pro-Baby-Murder Advocate


In a recent Facebook “conversation”, some Pro-Baby-Murder person asserted this ridiculous, and just plain stupid argument: “get neutered if you don’t want women to have abortions”.

That’s like saying “if you don’t want people to murder people, just stop people from procreating. No people on earth, no murder.” Does that make any sense to you?

Not only is that an irrational argument; it’s an incredibly hateful and murderous-to-the-human-race proposition.
And this whole aberration you hear a lot: “my body, you can’t tell me what to do with it.” It’s NOT the woman’s body, it’s the BABY‘S body. If this was all about the woman’s body, we would be performing “abortions” on the mother. Sound harsh?  Harsher than killing babies before they come to life with the rest of us?

THEN would you be opposed to it? Why is it any different because it’s a baby

In fact, the purely innocent baby hasn’t even yet had the right, or even the chance to experience life, but the mother has!
How many of you, if someone puts a gun to your head, then puts it to your already-born-child’s head; and told you to decide which of you dies, would say “kill the child, and spare my life”? “I don’t want to die, but my child should die instead of me”. This example may have been hyperbole, but the point is realistic, and exactly the same.
Another relevant note, even if you THINK the baby would be born into difficult circumstances (yes, I’ve heard that logical fallacy too – ad nauseum); you have NO CLUE how that baby could enjoy the life you snuffed out before it saw the light of day…because you murdered it before it had the chance!

Also, why is that, when a pregnant woman is murdered, it’s a DOUBLE homicide?

The obvious answer is: because it’s TWO lives getting murdered

And in abortion, the baby is murdered. And you, pro-baby-murder people are despicably ok with this? What kind of sick, twisted, insane mentality has infected your brain? Get counseling!
Let us read/hear your thoughts. Question or comment below!

About Shepherd's Watch Investments, LLC

I provide Personal and Business Development Coaching to help you in your personal and business endeavors. I am a very much, God-loving, people-loving person who makes it my mission in life to help you achieve as much success in life as you deserve! Feel free to ask me any questions you may have and know that I am available to help you with anything you need.
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1 Response to Asinine Argument From Another Pro-Baby-Murder Advocate

  1. Sorry everyone for the funky spacing (or lack thereof) between the paragraphs on this post. For some reason WordPress is posting it like that, even though it doesn’t look like that when I edit it. I’ve tried quite a few things to fix it, but it’s just not cooperating. Not sure why it ended up like that. At least it’s still quite legible! 😀

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