The Happiest of People, Talk More

Great content, reposting.

Be Empowered Here

Do you know someone who talks a lot?  I’m talking about the kind of person that every phone call or in-person conversation you have with them lasts a MINIMUM 30 minutes?

But first, watch this relevant, hilarious (I couldn’t stop laughing) BBC YouTube video of a bunch of animals “talking”:

Well, I have quite a few friends who are like this! But I’m “guilty” as well.  I tend to talk quite a bit in my conversations also.

Happiest But is it true that the happiest of people do talk more?

Well, a group of Psychologists from the University of Arizona and Washington University of St. Louis set out to find the answer to this question.  For four days, the participants in this study wore an Electronically Activated Recorder (E.A.R.).  This device records sound bytes from the participants as they go about their daily routines.

The E.A.R. recorded thirty seconds every 13…

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The Power of Language and the Top Ten English Words

Always relevant.

Be Empowered Here

The Power of Language and the Top Ten English Words

by Adrian Frank

The POWER of language is a power that is both mysterious and unequaled in power, really.  Is language more mysterious than powerful;  or is it more powerful than mysterious?

What do you think?

If you ask me this same question;  I would probably say it’s more powerful than mysterious because of what I know the Bible has to say about it.

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue (language)”  -Proverbs 18:21

But the very fact that our language has the POWER to SAVE life and DESTROY same sure sounds mysterious also, doesn’t it?

The question whether language is more mysterious than powerful or visa versa is neither here nor there, really.  This was just a brief introduction that aptly portrays the power of words and should serve to segue into what comes next.

It never…

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Jesus Has Called You to Disciple Nations…

But that doesn’t quite mean what you might have thought it means.

It is an incredibly tiny mindset to think that “discipling nations” is about just going into a nation (or making disciples in the nation you were born and live, for that matter), and making a few disciples of the people you come in contact with. Or even those you intentionally reach out to. But to actually disciple nations even to the point of suggesting that we, as royalty under our (much more powerful word from the Lords’ prayer than I ever thought of previously) Heavenly Father, would literally take control of nations. Not to rule over them in any tyrannical, controlling way, but with the ways of Heaven and our loving Father who created us. 

The world has yet to see how Heaven would govern.

There are a few places on earth that have modeled that and are modeling that today, to some extent. And I believe we got the best glimpses of how Heaven would govern, or at least what it looks like when Heaven touches Earth, during times of revivals. But in this coming revival and massive great awakening, we’re going to see how successful various cities, regions, and nations will be, as more and more of God’s people will be in places of influence.

About 3 years ago or so, when I would discuss with someone about the “armies of Heaven”, I sensed a nervousness about Heaven actually having an army. I’ve heard agnostic/atheist people even complain that God is someone who claims to be about love, but is always ready to smash them if they fall out of line. Sound familiar? Or the all-too-familiar refrain: “How could a God of love allow so much evil in the world?”

The connotation in many people’s minds is that God, Heaven, etc, are going to make war against them. That may be true in some ways if they are prideful and refuse to humble themselves, but the Lord’s banner is love. Heaven rules with love, and “mercy triumphs over judgment”. Don’t mistake love and mercy, with weakness. Heaven is anything but weak.

Heaven is powerful, and by the very definition of the world: more wonderful than anything you can possibly imagine!

If we disciple nations, we will govern them. But we will govern with Heaven’s policies. In all the areas on earth God’s children are in leadership and implementing Biblical and Heavenly edicts, those regions will literally rejoice (“when it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, And when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting.” – Prov 11:10)! 

Kris Vallotton said, “when you do ordinary things in a way they have never been done before, you are marked as royalty (example: the Queen of Sheba honored Solomon, based partially off of the way she saw that Solomon did all kinds of different things). We are called to transform the world ‘the kingdom (dominion, rule) of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever, Revelation 11:15 (AMP)’ ”.

This is what I’m talking about when I talk about how, as we disciple nations, we govern them with “Heaven’s policies”.

And the world will see how well those areas do, until eventually all of the world will be “governed” this way. And perhaps a better word for “governed” at that point would be more like “ruled under The Banner of Love” (it’s not difficult to obey who you love, and who loves you).

With all the corruption occurring in the 2020 Presidential Election in America that is trying to steal the rightfully-won election from Donald Trump; it’s nice to know there is a much better Kingdom on its way, isn’t it?

More and more people have visited Heaven and reported back what they saw and personally experienced. It’s getting harder and harder for atheists to deny the existence of God, Heaven, Hell, etc. The below video of actual testimonies of just a few of these visits to Heaven is mostly demonstrating how Heaven is real. However, as you watch it, try to focus on the beauty of Heaven and how wonderful it really is. Then multiple that times the largest possible number we have in our earth-bound minds.


Here is a clip of Colton Burpo’s visit to Heaven from the movie: Heaven is For Real:

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Why Do People Fear Coronavirus?

In my last post about, I discussed how damaging fear can be, specifically related to covid. I also discussed how leftist media and politicians are trying to control the masses with fear (and too much of it is blatant lying).

The CDC recently reported how mild this virus really is.

Here are actual CDC statistics for Covid-19, from the official website, as of 9/10/2020:

Infection Fatality Ratio:

0-19 years: 0.00002
20-49 years: 0.00007
50-69 years: 0.0025
70+ years: 0.028

To see this data in its entirety, and this particular chart, just scroll down the page a ways at the CDC website, click here.

This video is really funny, but the numbers are close enough to the CDC numbers that the effect is the same.

And yet, many states (mostly leftist democrat states) still have major restrictions going on? Why?


This group is so power hungry, they’re giggling with glee that you are:

1. Believing their blatant lies/media’s lies so religiously.

2. That you are obeying their bogus mandates and walking around with masks on, and fearfully, staying 6 feet apart.

Why so many keep falling for their lies is beyond me. All you have to do is think for yourself, educate yourself, and you’ll see how easily the media and leftist politicians have been controlling you and stringing you along with, again: lies.

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Don’t Be Afraid of Covid!

In my mind, the most dastardly, evil, and twisted thing that satan (lower case intended) is doing with covid is exaggerating the death tolls to try to control the populace with fear.

Every time I see someone try to propagate fear or further an agenda by claiming there have been over 220,000 deaths in the U.S. from covid, I get quite irritated (reason below).

The Bible is very clear that satan comes to “steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10)”, and fear is a tool he likes to use.

Have you heard it said that if you are afraid of becoming like your parents, that you eventually end up, like your parents? Fear of something, if allowed to fester (and you CAN and WILL NOT allow it to fester!), tends to bring about the very thing you fear.

So, if a sick person gets “tested positive for covid”, they become incredibly fearful of covid that they end up actually dying from covid. So, in reality, even many of the deaths that are rightly attributed to covid could equally, if not more-so be attributed to fear. And obviously, we have no mechanism in place for writing that someone “died of fear” on their death certificate. So, those also, get written up as a “covid death”.

Moreover, it is coming to light that the death tolls are being greatly exaggerated as more and more doctors are saying they’ve been coerced (monetarily or otherwise) into writing on death certificates that the person died of covid when they really died from some other illness that they had (among a myriad of other ways in which the numbers are grossly exaggerated). This is why I promised above to give you the reason I am irritated by these exaggerations. There is a tremendous amount of lying going on (and you know who the “father of lies” is, don’t you?), and too many people are being duped by what the media and leftist politicians are telling them.

The Gospel is The Good News!

Now, the Good News!

I firmly believe that, with covid, God is showing us this spiritual reality (more-so than is already generally known) to help us overcome it. And overcome it, we will! Holy Spirit is exposing this as one of satan’s strategies right now to wake us up to stand and fight him.

Jesus knows that you can and will overcome fear, fear of death, and death itself by simply believing His Written Word you are free from all sickness and disease! Isaiah 53:5 – “…by His wounds, we are healed”.

Give your heart, your life, and all your burdens to Jesus! He loves you, more than anything in this world! And He’s waiting for you, with open arms, no matter how “bad” you think you are!

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Atheists Have It Made…Or Do They (Answer Inside)?

It would be nice to not have to believe in God, wouldn’t it?

Yes, the idea of living for eternity in Heaven is awesome, but what if you end up in hell! I’m just saying it would be nice to not have to worry about hell at all.

The thing is, I keep coming back to the major question of “how did we get here/how do we exist” if there is no supernatural God who pre-existed everything? Over 6,000 years and STILL no VIABLE answer to how we got here!

Enjoy these 2 videos that will help clarify that only “viable” answer that is so largely accepted as “how we got here”. The Big Bang Theory”:

But back to my original pondering about atheists.

The thing about atheism (lower case intended) is that it’s an escape. It’s quite the cowardly thing to choose not to believe in God because not only do you have little responsibility to live morally: you also don’t have to worry about going to hell (until it actually happens)!

However, the thing of it is, atheists miss out on the GREATEST LIFE THAT CAN BE POSSIBLY LIVED, on BOTH sides of Eternity!

Living for Jesus, bringing HEAVEN to EARTH, is REAL LIVING.

Lesbian/atheist has REAL encounter with Jesus, from CBN!

It’s not hard to “live morally” when you accept Jesus and receive and give His love! Believing in God, Heaven and Hell, is about the MOST WONDERFUL thing you can do for yourself (not to mention those around you) in this life and beyond!

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I love you; God bless you! 💕🎁

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IMPORTANT PSA From My Good Friend on Facebook – Why You Should Wear Your Mask

From Bryan Cornell

I’ve decided to wear a mask….I’ve seen the light and it’s obvious I was wrong.

Masks prevent viruses, but also are very safe. I’ve decided to wear my mask at all times. I wear it in the store, in my car, and on the beach, I’ll even wear it at home, and when I sleep tonight I will wear it also. I’m sure you didn’t know this, but viruses don’t sleep. I just want to be extra safe.

I’ve started wearing a seatbelt on my bicycle at all times as well because safety on the roads at all times is also very important.

If I’ve learned anything it’s that our government loves us, never ever lies to us and always has our best interests in mind. History shows the government should always be trusted, without question. They are great.Go to Jail for no Mask

I’m also going to get caught up to date on my vaccines because why would anyone want to make us sick? It’s time to trust all science just like we should trust the government.

Here is why you should trust the government!


I started drinking fluoride again because the government recommends it and I got this amazing fluoridated toothpaste as well to help make my teeth strong.

I’ve started consuming genetically modified foods because they are definitely the same as organic foods. Alcohol is part of living our best life so I’m now drinking daily as well. Most importantly I watch television and get all my information from the mainstream media. They are wonderful at getting us factual information and I love how they work directly with the government to bring us truth and tell us how to live our lives.

I want to be just like everyone else which is another reason to mask up. I love standing on all the little signs in the stores that alert me to where I should be so I social distance properly in an effort to keep everyone else safe. It’s also quite fun to follow all the arrows in these stores that direct you where to go. It’s like, “whoa where are you taking me next.” It’s an exhilarating ride.

I’m also sorry to everyone, I’ve posted a lot of things that have been debunked by fact checkers and snopes. So I’m very sorry I was wrong and I’m glad these reputable sources of factual information were able to correct me. It’s good knowing that Facebook wants us all to have the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Anyway who’s ready for this fast-tracked covid vaccine? I think the most exciting part is getting an untested vaccine that contains aborted fetal DNA. It’s like we are pioneers of the scientific future and we are doing our part for humanity to volunteer as tributes for this vaccine.

See first-hand how fun volunteering as a tribute can be, click to watch!

Not to mention we can probably get the microchip at the same time so the government can keep us safe by monitoring us even more. As a matter of fact I think I want 2 microchips in me because I believe it will make me twice as safe. Sorry I am a little selfish because I want 2 microchips. But they always say it’s better to be safe than sorry.

So you might want to follow this plan too. Plus with the cashless society coming we will need to be good at following orders so we get paid via our chip, so I really want to make an effort to be the best citizen I can. It’s all about the new normal we all will help to create. It’s amazing how quickly everyone has conformed, and it makes you realize how much everyone must really care about each other. I mean why else would people who are morbidly obese, grabbing fast food and stopping at the liquor store also be in a mask? Obviously everyone cares deeply about each other’s health and staying healthy. Stop being selfish and just do as you’re told, are we not all in this together? I mean how great is the new world order for uniting us all and bringing us closer together? Gives me goosebumps to feel so loved by those in control. (SaRCAsm 😜)

Brilliant, Bryan Cornell. Brilliant. So well done, just had to share. More people need to read the above Masterpiece. Like, comment, and share with your family and friends on Social Media.

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I Don’t Get Involved in Politics; Or I’m Not ‘Political’

Have you said this, or heard someone say this (or perhaps thought it)? If you spend any time on Facebook or Twitter, no doubt you have (or even if you haven’t). In fact, chances are you also heard this quite recently. Since Donald Trump’s election, and now in election year, 2020, with Covid, BLM riots going on, you’ve probably heard it even more now.

Conversely, this is likely the year where there are far more people “involved in politics” than ever before, on both ends of the political spectrum. The voter turnout this November will be record-breaking, to say the least.

What’s interesting about this is that to say you’re not “political” is an immediate and present contradiction.

What do you mean, Adrian? Are you saying I don’t know who I am?

Yes, I’m saying exactly that, and here’s what I mean.

If you live in a nation with a government, and pay taxes, you are ‘political’, and ‘involved in politics’. If you are in a country illegally, and you receive benefits from the government, you are most certainly: ‘political‘ and ‘involved in politics’. If you are in a Socialist or Communist country…well, you are ‘political‘ and ‘involved in politics’ with a gun pointed at you.

To take this further, if you are in a Democracy or Constitutional Republic, you are in a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people”. So, just by being present in the land of a Constitutional Republic or Democracy, you are, by default, politically involved in that government.

For better or for worse, you are involved in politics. That’s the reality of it.

Every time you post a political comment, argument, or rant, on a thread on Facebook or Twitter, you are ‘political‘. And if you don’t at least vote, do you think you have the right to complain about your government?

I get it. It’s very easy to get discouraged by government, and say to yourself: “My vote doesn’t count”, or “Why would I get involved? Nothing will change”. I’ve had many of those same thoughts. However, I don’t say those things, and thoughts only serve to spur me on to do something.

The beautiful thing about freedom is that you can effect positive change. Yes, you. It starts with youYou Be The One!

So here is an open invitation for you to get involved, here in Washington State. Next Saturday the 25th in Federal Way, 11am-1pm is a Peaceful Protest (much unlike the out-of-control riots we’ve seen across the country of late):

Excerpts from

To respond to the invitation of Governor Jay Inslee for anyone and everyone to legally protest even if it is against the government. 

To bring awareness to the public of government over-reach by peacefully protesting for the First Amendment rights of the church, and to persuade legislators to honor these rights. We want to extend God’s presence by showing His joy, hope, and supernatural love beyond the church walls.

This will be seen in our faces, our worship, and our demonstration of racial and church unity. We will also encourage pastors and leaders to stand strong and not feel isolated. As we each choose to “Be The One” we hope for duplication in other areas around Washington and beyond.

No church, ministry or business will be promoted. 

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Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes Down From Your Father In Heaven, Your Father of Lights

When something good comes your way, like a new job, your natural mind just wants to say, “it’s because of my skillset”, or “there is tremendous demand in my field, and that company is desperate for help”, or “unemployment must be low”, or “I was in the right place at the right time”, or a plethora of other reasons.

And ALL of those can be true, in the natural, unseen realm, in any given situation.

But the Truth in the realm of Holy Spirit is:

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow [a]cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes].” – James 1:17 (AMP)

The Spirit’s domain supersedes the natural realm and, even though you can’t see it with your natural eyes/your natural mind, it is more real than what you can see, taste, smell, touch, and hear, where your physical body resides.

So anytime you think you are being “level-headed”, or “rational”, or “logical”, or “intellectually grounded” by drawing those conclusions that could very well be true, stop and think about what real Truth could be.

Real, substantial truth is really hard to come by these days. There is unprecedented high demand for accuracy and reality, and a more than ample supply of error and fantasy.

So why not give some credence to The Book that has had more commentaries written about it than any other book in history? Why not stake your claim in the only Book that has more versions and editions written than any other book? So why not trust The Book that has generated more sales than any other book in history? Why not put your confidence in the Book (of any significance) that has stood the test of time, and lasted many millennia?

Here are a few “fun facts” about the Bible:

  1. There are an estimated over 100 million Bibles printed every year.
  2. As of November, 2017, over 20 million Bibles are sold each year in the U.S. alone.
  3. “The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. As of October 2019, the full Bible has been translated into 698 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,548 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,138 other languages.” – source: Wikipedia.
  4. Some other famous books have been translated into a few dozen languages. The Adventures of Pinocchio being listed here on this chart, on Wikipedia as being the 2nd with more than 300 languages, is paltry in comparison to number 1, which is, you guessed it: The Bible.
  5. The U.S. Government itself used to print Bibles because they were not permitted in King George’s England.

Enjoy this nicely-animated summary of the Bible in 3 minutes:

Being intellectual, and wise, rational and logical, and using your brain, are obviously all good things. I would never say otherwise. However, the very moment you trust your own mind more than Jesus, is the very moment you start your decline towards insanity (which is defined as “in sin”)? Did you know that there are very wise, intelligent people walking around these days that are insane and don’t even know it?

So any type of rational thought, or logical reasoning is good. God created you with a brain. Use it. But just be sure to filter everything through Holy Spirit, “taking every thought and making it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5), and ground yourself in God’s Word: The Bible. Otherwise, you can get off into all kinds of crazy and ideas right out of left field. While any analysis you make may be just as true in the natural, as The Word that Holy Spirit gives you is in the Spirit realm, there is so much more for you when you thank your Heavenly Father for those good and perfect gifts!

And, always remember, Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, is the only Way (back to your) The Father who Created you in His image and likeness, made you beautiful! Give you life to Jesus, and never go back!

If this helped you in any way, please consider sharing with your family and friends on social media (links below), to help them also. Be blessed, abundantly, as Jesus Christ promised in the Bible to those who will put their trust and faith in Him and His matchless goodness and love!

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“If You Are Not Willing to Learn, no one Can Help You”…

Be blessed today!

Be Empowered Here

Be determined to learn!

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you” – Zig Ziglar

Are you determined to learn today? If you are, then you are, quite simply: unstoppable.

But how does beingdetermined to learn make you unstoppable?

Well, if you are determined, then it doesn’t matter what people say or think, right? Because your determination is not based in other peoples’ thoughts and other peoples’ words about you, or to you. You aredetermined to learnbecauseYOU decided, and made up your mind to learn!

Being determined to learn is the most effective route to finding true success and happiness in your life.


Because adversity will keep coming your way.  Count on it.  Prepare for it.  Plan on it.  No matter how easy your life may have been up to this…

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